What can I expect from online promotion in 2024?

Let's look at how to promote your business on the Internet and what the prospects are. Let's study the pros and cons of different tools.

We have prepared for you a list of effective trends and online promotion tools according to R-Band specialists.

Internet marketers have to deal with new trends and adapt existing strategies to new trends in the technological development of search engine results algorithms and online advertising services.

We cannot note significant changes in the vectors of search ranking development and new trends. All changes and innovations are expected, logical - the result of the natural evolution and development of IT technologies.

In 2024, the usual requirements for effective promotion remain relevant:

  • Unique quality content;
  • Positive indicator of behavioral factor, user involvement;
  • Optimizing the site and loading speed;
  • Mobile version of the site;
  • Focus on different audiences: multi-format and redundant content in various variations;
  • High-quality and convenient interface of the service or website;
  • Expertise in the chosen field;
  • Links and recommendations from trusted sources - positive reputation;
  • Integration and adaptation of the site to use modern and current search engine technologies.

Tools for successful promotion in 2024

Search query intent

The intent of a search query refers to the user's intention - the need to satisfy the request as it is understood by the search engine user.

Search engines develop and improve algorithms for studying the real needs of user requests from the point of view of their thinking and ideas about the question being asked to the search engine.

2024 is a logical continuation of the previous technology development cycle. Search engines continue to work on research in the field of intent queries and algorithms using artificial intelligence tools.

To successfully promote a website, it is necessary to have a clear meaning (the question of how the visitor sees it), which the potential visitor puts into the query that interests us.

For example, the request “Website creation” is a high-frequency request that does not have obvious signs by which it can be classified as a number of commercial requests. The user probably intends to find general introductory information, get acquainted with this category and study basic terminology and background information.

In accordance with this intent, it is necessary to build a suitable Internet promotion strategy and offer the user the information that he intends to receive.

If you successfully analyze the intent of search queries, you have every chance to correctly group the semantic core and prepare content that will have maximum conversion rates and behavioral factors.

Behavioral factor

The behavioral factor is the main criterion for analyzing the satisfaction of a user's search request.

The trend remains relevant and continues to be actively used in search engine algorithms. It is necessary to regularly monitor behavioral trends of your visitors and identify low-quality content or incorrectly selected intent.

If your site or some pages of the site have a high bounce rate or low behavioral factor, then the main reasons may be:

  • The request does not meet user expectations
  • Low quality content
  • Information is outdated or not relevant
  • Problems with printing layout or content visualization
  • The site or site pages have a low optimization quality score: heavy images, long loading time
  • Content contains errors or inaccuracies
  • Incorrect structure of the proposed content
  • Content format does not meet user expectations

The need and importance of tracking behavioral factors in 2024 is elevated to the ranks of the top priorities for effective Internet promotion.

Regularly conduct behavioral analytics and adjust your online promotion strategy according to the data received, adjust and improve existing content.

mobile version

All SEO specialists have long known the policy of search engines regarding mobile search results. Having an adapted and optimized version of the site for mobile devices is a mandatory requirement if you plan and count on mobile user traffic to the site.

General statistics tell us the following figures:

  • 50-60% of users use mobile devices for search
  • up to 30% of users use only mobile devices

The main criteria for assessing the quality of adaptation and optimization of a website for the mobile version in 2024:

  • Presence of viewport and media meta tag in css
  • Loading speed of the mobile version of website pages
  • Text size for mobile version
  • Size and accessibility of key interface elements: navigation, multimedia, forms, buttons and others
  • User behavioral factor on the mobile version and the depth of views and engagement

Mobile traffic and promotion of Internet projects for mobile devices is often a separate priority task for projects where the commercialization strategy is built specifically on mobile users, for example, for commercial organizations specializing in providing services to individuals.

It is necessary to clearly understand the expected portrait of a potential consumer of a service or product, and the source of the expected traffic. If a significant portion of your website visitors use mobile devices, you desperately need a mobile version. It will increase conversion rates and behavioral factors, and help you take higher positions in mobile organic search results.

Website optimization for voice search

Every year, more and more users use voice search to find the information they need on the Internet. According to a Google report, more than 27% of all searches on Google's search engine are made through voice search. This means that if you don't optimize your site for voice search, you could be missing out on a significant portion of the traffic to your site.

1. High conversion rate

Users who search for information through voice search often have a specific goal and are more willing to make a purchase than users who simply search for information. Optimizing your site for voice search can increase the number of conversions on your site, which can lead to more sales and profits.

2. Improving positioning in search engines

Search engines such as Google and Yandex use various algorithms to determine the relevance of a page for voice queries. Optimizing your site for voice search can help improve your site's positioning in voice search results, which will increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your site.

Optimizing a website for voice search is the process of adapting website content for ease of use by voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant and others. This allows you to improve your site’s positioning in voice search results and increase traffic to your site.

Optimization for voice search includes the following steps:

  1. Keyword and phrase analysis
  2. Optimizing Website Content
    Website content should be optimized to answer questions asked by users in voice search.
  3. Using Structured Data
    Structured data is metadata that helps search engines understand the content of a website. Their use can significantly improve a site's positioning in voice search results.
  4. Optimizing Local Queries
    Local queries are very popular in voice search. Optimizing your site content for local searches can help drive more traffic to your site.
  5. Optimizing site loading speed
    Site loading speed is of great importance for voice assistants who strive to provide answers to user questions as quickly as possible.
  6. Mobile Optimization
    Since the majority of voice search queries are made from mobile devices, optimizing your site for mobile devices is very important.
Advertising campaigns

Advertising remains a relevant tool for attracting targeted traffic to a website.

Online advertising is divided into 2 main camps: contextual and targeted.

Advertising is actively used by newcomers to the Internet marketing market and established projects. Online advertising allows you to get fast traffic to the site for targeted queries, the first analytics of behavioral factors, conversions and other traffic analytics.

Contextual advertising is advertising that satisfies the existing demand or need of the target consumer. For example, the request “Buy a refrigerator in Moscow”. In this case, the user makes an accurate and understandable commercial request to purchase a refrigerator. A contextual advertising campaign allows you to satisfy an existing demand (in this case for a refrigerator) with a specific offer in an advertisement, for example, “Refrigerators for every taste at an attractive price in Moscow.”

Targeted advertising is advertising that creates demand among an audience of potential consumers of a service or product. For an advertising campaign to work effectively, we need to correctly set up targeting - signs of grouping and sorting the available audience, its classification and analytics. For example, we have an offer to supply lubricants for cars. Who might be interested in this announcement? That's right, for car services, car enthusiasts, service specialists, dealers, car shops, etc. For an effectively targeted advertising campaign, we need to select the right targeting filters to filter out non-target audiences and maximally classify the target audience: car repair shops, car shops, dealers, etc.

The presence of advertising campaigns is relevant in almost any online promotion strategy. Almost always, advertising campaigns are used in conjunction with other tools for online promotion of projects.

Online advertising has one significant drawback - it stops working immediately as soon as the advertising budget runs out. At the same time, it starts working instantly as soon as you create and configure advertisements.

We strongly recommend developing Internet promotion strategies that will have a cumulative effect from a set of Internet promotion measures.

Organic promotion

Organic promotion for queries in search engines is one of the most relevant tools for web projects that work with a long-term perspective. This tool is the most developed in the field of Internet marketing and has the ability to build a large number of different promotion strategies.

Successful results from working on organic website promotion have the most lasting effect.

The success of SEO promotion in 2024 lies in compliance with basic conditions:

  • Correct HTML markup and micro markup of the site
  • Correct operation of the web server, correct web server response codes
  • Fast loading of website pages, optimization of page content
  • Correctly formed semantic core and distributed across pages
  • Correct configuration of site page indexing rules and implementation of up-to-date feeds for target services
  • High-quality unique content
  • Correct printing layout of pages = positive behavioral factor
  • Availability of interactive blocks and targeted actions
  • Correctly selected SEO promotion strategy: geography of the request, frequency, request intent

Organic website promotion together with other online marketing tools gives the most effective results. The result of organic search results and the organic “weight” of a site in search results is a kind of accumulator of the effectiveness of other promotion tools and the behavioral factor of users who visited the site from various sources.

Our team continues to actively use the opportunities of organic promotion and believes that the trend will continue in the next few years. 

Low frequency keywords

Many web projects use online website promotion strategies using low-frequency queries. This trend is understandable and can be easily explained by the high competition for high-frequency queries. Old-timers of the Internet space have long occupied the usual/top positions in organic search results for high-frequency queries. In order for a young project to compete with an older opponent, it is necessary to occupy a niche of low-frequency queries, queries with geolocation and other similar queries.

This technique can attract traffic from part of the audience to a young project. By using a large number of low-frequency queries, the project has the opportunity to occupy a wide range of available search queries with high conversion rates. In precise queries, it is easier to determine the intended user intent.

Using an extensive semantic core with low-frequency queries, we methodically reach new audiences, positive behavioral factors and site traffic. These factors directly help promote the site and over time, the young project will reach the top for high-frequency queries.

Due to the highly competitive environment and the struggle for top search results, we consider the trend of 2024 in the field of organic website promotion for queries in the search engine - SEO with low-frequency search queries, precise search queries, queries using rationality or geolocation.

Optimizing loading speed and website pages

Website loading speed is one of the basic criteria for assessing the quality of a website from the point of view of search engines. In an era of excess information for any simple popular request, the speed of response to a user's request has become an important factor for website ranking.

If the site's content is unique and exclusive, site loading speed is not of key importance. The site page will always be in the first positions of search results due to the lack of competition.

In search engines, there are critical indicators of response speed and site loading. This value is different in different search engines. In 2024, the average maximum permissible website loading speed is 5 seconds.

If the site exceeds this threshold, the site administrator will receive a notification with recommendations for solving problems with optimizing site loading speed from search engines. In this situation, the search engine considers your resource to be unoptimized and of low quality. If the search service has a better alternative to the request, the position of the slow site will be replaced with a fast one.

The complete loading of a website page is divided into several stages:

  1. Server response time - the time required for the server to generate a response to a client (user) request. Measured in ms ( milliseconds ).
    The following factors affect the response speed of the directive image server:
    • Server computing power
    • Website code optimization
    • SCS throughput - the speed of operation of switching networks between the client and server
  2. The time it takes for a browser to completely render (display) a page is the time it takes the browser to load all the necessary components, links necessary for the correct operation of the site page and rendering (converting the code into a visually understandable interface for the user).
    The following factors have a key impact on the speed at which a browser renders a page:
    • Number and complexity of HTML code structure
    • Optimization of multimedia content and the need to fully load multimedia content for full rendering of the site page
    • Optimization, number and minification of links necessary for the operation of a website page
    • Number of internal and external links that need to be loaded before a site page is rendered

Highly loaded projects or sites in a highly competitive environment require a competent and professional approach to optimizing the interface, service loading speed and response time to user actions.

Micro markup

Micro markup is a standardized HTML markup that, through special tags, helps search engines accurately index the semantic meaning of certain page blocks: contact information, online catalog product card, announcements, photos.

Micromarking began to be actively used in 2011. Google was the first to introduce the ability to index microdata; the technology was soon picked up by other popular search engines: Yandex, Yahoo, Bing.

The presence of micro markup is a mandatory parameter for most Internet sites.

Using world markup on a website helps robots correctly index the semantics of pages and find reliable contact information. Micro markup makes it possible to display additional clarifying snippets, which allows search engine users to verify the relevance of the search results and the proposed list of resources.

Snippet  (English snippet - excerpt, fragment) is a fragment of source text or program code used in search engines, text editors and development environments.

Micro-page markup indirectly affects the ranking of sites in search results, but directly affects CTR and CIR. In search results, sites with snippets stand out favorably against sites without them, which leads to higher traffic, and as a result, to a higher position in search results.

The use of micro markup does not always lead to a positive effect. For example, micro-marking of a product card together with Yandex.Metrics or Yandex.Browser tools can divert traffic from the site and reduce the behavioral factor. As a result, the recommendation of more profitable offers of a similar position. In some projects, it is worth neglecting such tools to preserve more critical indicators.

We recommend using micro-markup on website pages, but we suggest that you carefully study all aspects of the tool.

Content quality. Presentation formats

The quality of content remains a pressing requirement for a high position in search results. Search engines continue to require websites to provide unique, reliable and comprehensive content for search queries.

Naturally, it is not always possible to tell the user new information, but having a unique written narrative is the key to successful indexing. Content managers are required, at a minimum, to narrate in their own unique form, to review the same topics, but with their own unique vocabulary.

Trend 2024 - content in various formats: text, photo, video, audio. In a period of large amounts of information, the trend of presenting content in video format, quick clips, photos, which present the main idea as concisely and vividly as possible without unnecessary details, is gaining momentum.

Now we should no longer understand the definition of “content” as an article or text content.

Main criteria for content quality:

  • Uniqueness: lexical and/or semantic
  • Answer to the request in the most accessible and detailed form
  • Be relevant and useful
  • Focus on different audiences: multi-format and redundancy in various variations
  • Have correct typography or be readable
  • Match the intent of the target audience

High-quality content often has combined presentation formats. This can be text with multimedia inserts (images, video, audio), interactive elements, targeted actions, or links/footnotes to primary sources. Since the popularization of high-speed Internet, technologies for presenting information have crossed the border of “quick-easy” towards “maximally convenient and in different formats.” Now it is no longer surprising to find a combination of content in the “article + video” format, where the topic will be presented immediately in the same format.

Sophisticated users are increasingly paying attention to the design of content rather than its content. Nowadays, not only the quality of presentation is relevant, but also the presence of “special effects” and the accompanying visual component.

The trend of 2024 dictates the need to duplicate the narrative in various presentation formats: video, photo, text to attract maximum attention from a diverse audience. The better you can present useful content and provide a variety of presentation formats, the greater the response, CTR/IQR and behavioral factor will be shown by the audience.

Expertise and expert content

In the modern world there is an excessive amount of content for almost any request. This fact has logically led to a tendency to group and sort existing content according to certain criteria, including qualitative criteria - content expertise.

In 2024, it is important not only to publish information on a topical question/request, but it is also necessary to have an expert opinion on requests of interest, as a criterion for the quality and relevance of the content.

The trend of expertise continues to be relevant and search engines are developing tools (algorithms) for assessing expertise.

Main criteria for determining expert content:

  • The reliability of the materials used and the ideas expressed, the value in understanding the target audience
  • Exhaustive richness of the publication, full information load on the contextual query
  • Unique content presented in a unique corporate style, a unique opinion
  • Presence of professional terminology, slang
  • Frequency of updates and publications of new content
  • Relevance of existing content and new publications
  • Availability of your own examples in the publication, use of arguments and well-known facts
  • Positive behavioral factor, scrolling
  • Compliance of the content with the general theme of the site

Our team likes the trend of evaluating content and ranking it based on quality and expertise. Quality is one of the concepts of our work philosophy and we share the opinion about the quality indicators of any work.

Expertise is a relevant measure in ranking search results. For high conversion, behavioral factor and/or position in search results, you need to generate and maintain expertise in filling out the pages of the website, according to the requirements described above.

Geodependency of requests

Each search engine query has or does not have a geo-dependence feature. Search queries can be geo-dependent or geo- independent .

Geo-dependent queries are queries in which the regional attribute of the user who entered the query is involved, i.e. the request takes into account the user's region, unless this region is entered into the body of the request itself.

The geo-dependency factor of a request comes from the user's intended intent. Search engines include rationality in queries where there is a clear intention to obtain content, service or service that is tied to a specific region. Such requests often include commercial requests, requests using keywords (“buy”, “order”, “delivery” and others), for example: order a taxi, buy a laptop, legal advice, order a website.

An important requirement for getting into geo-dependent queries is linking regionality to the domain name of the site, section of the site or page of the site.

The regionality factor in queries is also included when there is a sufficient amount of regional content and websites of regional offices. If in your region there are no offers of services, services or goods that interest you, the search results will display search results in the nearest regions or results throughout Russia.

Geo-independent queries are search results without taking into account any regionality, only based on indicators of compliance of the query and user intent with the content of ranked sites.

Geo-independent queries often include inquiries of a reference nature or commercial services that are clearly not geographically referenced or do not have search results representation in the region of interest, for example: Internet promotion trends 2024, FCS class solutions, what is SEO.

In 2024, a clear understanding of the geo-dependence of queries of interest and a clear delineation of the geo-attribute in the formed Internet promotion strategy and semantic core are relevant.

Don’t forget to confuse low-frequency queries with the geographic dependence of the query. If a request does not have geo-dependence, this does not mean that you cannot use additional geographical specifications of your service, services to promote low-frequency or more precise requests, for example: FCS class solutions in Moscow


Modern Internet marketing requires deep knowledge of current promotion technologies, creative marketing thinking and a deep immersion in the topic of the service and business being promoted.

Effective promotion is the teamwork of many specialists in different fields.

A tangible result of promotion is possible only with a professional team - the competitive environment is too aggressive and intense in any topic and niche.