Website of the IT company “Genisys Group”, US

A laconic corporate website for data storage and protection.

Website of the IT company “Genisys Group”, US


Creation of a website with a presentation of the full range of services in America and abroad. Demonstration of the scale of the company, its expertise, as well as cooperation with world-class partners. Focusing on many years of experience, professionalism of employees and honest attitude towards clients.

Website for "Genisys Group" | Development of a corporate website (Franklin, USA)

Creating a minimalist design that does not distract the visitor’s attention from the main information. A mandatory requirement was also the layout of the site with adaptive elements, plus a mobile and tablet version.

Website for "Genisys Group" | Development of a corporate website (Franklin, USA)

"Genisys Group" is engaged in data protection and modern technologies, so the site must correspond to the professional level of the company and load quickly.


Creating a minimalist design


The main motivational information is located in the “Home” and “About the Company” sections, which detail the services , company employees, work process and international companies already working with the Genisys Group. The “Contacts” section displays all office addresses with switches on an interactive map and the ability to send an application for consultation.


The entire site contains photos of only real employees, which demonstrates transparency and trust. Useful articles and videos prove the company’s expertise and many years of experience. The design actively uses iconography to simplify the perception of information.

Website for "Genisys Group" | Development of a corporate website (Franklin, USA)

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Website of the IT company “Genisys Group”, US
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