Organic promotion of the GreenAgro website, Russia

We brought the site into the TOP 5 organic search results in 4 regions of the Russian Federation.


About company:

The company's activities date back to 2001.

The organization specializes in wholesale supplies of mineral fertilizers and pesticides for agricultural needs.

The scope of the organization’s activities also includes the selection of fertilizers based on NPK composition, taking into account the specifics of specific types of soils and crops, using the method of comprehensive analysis of soil samples.

The supply region extends to the Bryansk, Oryol, Kursk, and Kaluga regions and accounts for about 10% of the total supplies of agrochemicals in these regions.


  1. Promotion in the TOP5 and TOP10 organic search engine results for basic key queries, for exact key queries, as well as related key queries.
  2. Promotion and entry of the website into search results in 4 regions: Bryansk, Oryol, Kaluga, Kursk.
  3. Implementation of regional tools for successful website promotion.
  4. Formation of a semantic core and content for promotion. Refinement of the website for effective search engine promotion.


When forming the company’s online promotion strategy, we took into account the wishes of the customer and the budgets for future implementation. To solve these problems, a promotion strategy was formed, which includes dividing the site into regional subdomains with the assignment of regional contacts, addresses, and content.

All the necessary analytical tools were connected, the necessary queries were executed in the administrative interfaces of search engines.

Subsequently, to get into search results, we developed a semantic core of targeted commercial queries, taking into account precise and high-frequency queries. Based on semantics, a new site catalog structure was developed, taking into account current key queries and regionality. New content for the site was generated with the precise distribution of all necessary keys into predefined sections.

To generate online applications and collect leads, landing pages with targeted actions were prepared and centralized IP telephony tools were introduced to process applications from various regions of Russia in a single customer call center.


Organic website promotion was chosen as the main tool. Organic traffic was attracted primarily through high-quality SEO optimization of all website elements.


Over the course of several months, we gradually introduced new regions with subsequent analytics for each region. At the time of delivery of all work to the customer, we had fully implemented the developed strategy and were in the TOP of organic search results for most of the key queries.

Dynamics of traffic growth for targeted requests over 6 months.

The total dynamics of website traffic growth in 4 key regions of Russia:


As the diagram shows, the number of visitors has increased significantly over the past six months.

Dynamics of growth of positions for search queries in the regions

An example of search results positions for targeted commercial queries in 4 regions of Russia: Bryansk, Oryol, Kaluga, Kursk.

buy fertilizers wholesale...................................1
buy fertilizers with delivery...... ...................2
buy fertilizers with delivery........................2
buy mineral fertilizers...................2
mineral fertilizers wholesale...................2
mineral fertilizers with delivery.........3
Bryansk fertilizers.................................... .............4
buy ammonium nitrate...................................5
ammonium nitrate price...................................4
buy diammofosk........ ....................................1
buy azofoska........... ...........................................2
buy saltpeter wholesale... ........................................3
azofosk buy....... ...........................................3
diammophoska wholesale ........................................................ .1

Over the course of several months, we gradually introduced new regions with subsequent analytics for each region. At the time of delivery of all work to the customer, we had fully implemented the developed strategy and were in the TOP of organic search results for most of the key queries.

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Online catalog of the company "Greenagro", Russia

Limited Liability Company AH "Green Agro" represented by the director of Nachaty Evgeny Lvovich, expresses its gratitude to the company Advertising and Web Design Agency RBand for carrying out work aimed at promoting our site. Thanks to you, our website has become more visited, we managed to attract new customers and successfully compete in the market. Since the promotion, we have achieved good sales results, increased demand for fertilizers, increased coverage of regions, and connected regions from Voronezh to Moscow. We are very happy with the results of the company's work.

Evgeny Nachatoy, Head of Greenagro

10 May 2023

Online catalog of the company "Greenagro", Russia