Design support from the company "Subbot and Partners", Russia

Branding of a company with a pre-trial approach to resolving disputes.

Design support from the company

There is only one true law - the one that allows you to become free.

Richard Bach, American philosopher

“Subbot and Partners” is a young, dynamically developing consulting company. Forming a business image requires a stylish, modern logo and corporate identity.

Task 1. Creating a logo that reflects the company's philosophy

The main principle of the work of “Saturdays and Partners” is the peaceful resolution of issues and pre-trial settlement of conflicts. Therefore, the elements of the logo chosen were a compass, indicating movement in the right direction, bypassing all the reefs, and a pyramid, symbolizing upward striving and secret knowledge.

Task 1. Creating a logo that reflects the company's philosophy

Task 2. promoting the personal brand of the manager through the company

The third element of the logo is the letter “C”, which is the first letter of the surname. The website, which was developed by our company, also focuses on the personality of the leader.

Task 2. promoting the personal brand of the manager through the company

Objective 3: versatility of use

The logo can be used in the main and simplified versions. They are great for decorating any surfaces and proportions.

Objective 3: versatility of use

Review from a Favorite Client
Website and corporate identity for "Subbot and Partners". Bryansk, Russia

Due to the growth of the company and new trends, there was a complex task - it was necessary to develop a new logo, corporate identity and website. Ideally, I wanted to find one company that I could trust holistically and not have to spend a lot of time meeting with different developers. RBand turned out to be such a studio. As a result, we completely changed the face of the company: now our appearance corresponded to the direction of our activities and philosophy, and our target audience was more clearly defined. Now my employees save time when ordering new printed materials - all materials are arranged in logical folders and there is explanatory information on their use, and they can quickly update information on the website. Everything turned out to be non-standard and fully conveys my principles of work.

Roman Subbot, director

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