Rebranding of the Bryanskselmash plant, Russia

The largest manufacturer of agricultural machinery in Russia.

Rebranding of the Bryanskselmash plant, Russia

Land is the only source of wealth, and only agriculture increases it.

Francois Quesnay, French economist


Redesign the logo, make it more universal and modern. Demonstrate that the company does not stand still and is constantly developing, despite many years of experience.



The main logo consists of a sign and the inscription of the company name, written in a specially selected thick font. The sign is a stylized image of the letter “B”, a shield symbol and a diagram arrow pointing to the upper right corner.


The company’s expertise is reflected through the “News” section, which publishes articles related to the professional activities of the company, as well as its awards and achievements.


The only way to keep the state in a state of independence from anyone is agriculture.

Jean Jacques Rousseau 

The main corporate colors are garnet red, black and white. In addition, there is a gray color for business internal documentation and in case the company is mentioned in a secondary position, for example, in leaflets among the list of other participating participants of an event.


In the design of documentation and company-branded materials, it is possible to use staged photographs of equipment while working in the field or use a pattern.  They are made up of small icons of a simplified logo, assembled into a tire track effect. Patterns must be “typed” in proportional form so that the distance between the parts is equal. This pattern can be used on surfaces of any size, from the inside of an envelope to being placed on the wall as a print.

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Rebranding of the Bryanskselmash plant, Russia
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